Monitoring of caledonian coral reefs using data mining
- Period: 2015-2016
- Funded by: DigitalGlobe Foundation - UNC.
- Partners: University of New Caledonia, Insular Research Center and Environment Observatory (CRIOBE, French Polynesia), Laboratory of Coastal Geomorphology and Environment (PRODIG-EPHE) and Koniambo Nickel SAS (KNS).
- My role : Coordinator

The main objective of this project isto monitor two coral reefs in New Caledonia. Two time-series of remote sensing data (Quickbird 2 and WorldView 2)are used to monitor these areas during the last ten years (6 and 8 dates from 2004 to 2016). These time series composed of very high resolution satellite images are analyzed together with in-situ data (field inventory) using supervised classification methods and spatio-temporal pattern mining.