Dynamics of informal Settlements in the Pacific Islands ciTIes (SITI)
- Period: 2023-2026
- Funded by: French National Research Agency ANR.
- Partners: Aix-Marseille University, Ecosophy company, University of New Caledonia, IRD, University of Lyon, and Insight SAS company.
- My role : Coordinator

The SITI project aims at developing knowledge and new agent-based simulation tools to analyze dynamics of informal settlements in the capital cities of the Pacific islands (Port-Vila, Suva and Noumea). By crossing different research protocols and methods usually distant from each other (written archives, observations, open interviews, semi-directive interviews, questionnaires, spatial data, econometrics and artificial intelligence), the aim is to have a full understanding of the urban dynamics that have produced and perpetuated informal settlements in the three Pacific cities. An objective is also to develop an hybrid tool where agent-based simulation is guided by data science and experts. To achieve this, this project is based on an interdisciplinary approach involving history, urban planning, geography, economics, remote sensing and artificial intelligence.